I was perusing a fellow blogger's site and saw an idea she had posted that I just loved... so I'm borrowing it (and, to give credit where credit is due, I got the idea from this blog)I often get ideas for stories from images. Sometimes these images are pictures I see, sometimes they are actual things I see when I'm outside (as the one that inspired King's Warrior), and sometimes they are just images that pop into my head unbidden.So today, I'm going to share an image with you that I like, and have been mulling over for a piece of short fiction. But instead of telling you where I'm going with it... I'd like to ask you where YOU would go with it. :) Because I like hearing from you, dear reader, and maybe this will inspire you with a story of your own. And, as much as I enjoy writing... I also enjoy reading. So, because I'm already dreaming of Winter... here's the image of the snow birds Have fun! P.S. Don't forget to swing by the GIVEAWAY I've got going for one of Anne Elisabeth Stengl's books (your choice from any of the 5 novels she has out currently: Heartless, Veiled Rose, Moonblood, Starflower, or Dragonwitch).