Party Game! Fantasy Creatures Blog Tag

Fantastical Realms Blog TagThe #FantasyMonth blog tag is definitely one of the most popular things about this event, so of course we're doing a new one this year!

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who tagged you.

Include the graphic somewhere in your post.

Link back to this blog somewhere in your post.

Answer the questions.

Tag a few blogger friends – and let them know they’ve been tagged

Have fun!

The Questions:

1. In a strange twist of fate, you are transported into a fantasy realm of your choice. The catch? You have also been transformed into your least favorite fantasy creature. Where are you, and what are you?I have been transported into the Enchanted Forest of The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, which is fabulous, I've always wanted to travel here. Unfortunately, this means that I have been turned into a giant, which will pose problems for me as I try to sightsee in my new, ungainly body. Also, I'll probably have the misfortune of being mistaken as a villain, because giants are rarely anything else... and if they are good, rarely written well.2. What fantasy creature do you wish featured in more stories? What is your favorite story that has that creature in it?I would love to see phoenixes featured in more stories. There is so much story potential behind these interesting creatures, but alas, they are often overlooked. My favorite story with these in them is Harry Potter, and even then, Fawkes is a somewhat tertiary addition to the story. (I also quite enjoy the My Little Pony episode with Fluttershy trying to "fix" Celestia's phoenix)3. As you are reading this, a voice rings in your ear proclaiming:A hero true, a leader strong,A quest is where you do belong,So arm thyself, and take your standWith an item to your left your fate is at hand.Besides the fact that this prophetic voice is clearly incapable of sticking to a meter, what ordinary item do you now find yourself armed with? (And, for bonus points, what helpful magical properties does it now possess that will help you on your quest?)Oh goodness, well... apparently I'm going into battle with a magical pillow. This could be a serious problem... unless it has also been imbued with some sort of sleep spell, so that when I hit my enemies with it they fall instantly into a magical sleep so that I can get past them more easily. If that's the case, then I can't think of a better item to take with me, I'd be pretty rubbish with any real weapon. Pillow fights, however, I can handle.4. You happen across an ad in a catalogue promising a magical fantasy cruise that will allow you to stop in any three realms of your choice and explore each for several days before returning you home (and the ad promises your safe return or your money back, guaranteed!) Assuming this is not a hoax and that the tour guides will actually be able to cater to your requests, what three realms will you tour and what do you hope to see/who would you like to meet along the way?I'm definitely asking to see Middle Earth and Narnia! I want to see the Shire and Rohan and Lothlorien and Rivendell and Minas Tirith and Mirkwood and the Lonely Mountain and I want to meet the entire Fellowship and Bilbo and Elrond... and Cair Paravel and the Stone Table and I'd love to have lunch with the Beavers and go horseback riding with the Pevensies. For my third realm, well, it gets a little more difficult to choose after those two... but... I'm gonna have to go with my own Tellurae Aquaous. And top of my list is listening to Kiernan Kane sing songs and tell stories, and right after that is getting to ride a dragon.5. Congratulations! You are a fantasy hero/heroine about to start your adventure. You get to choose a small fantasy creature to accompany and assist you on your quest. Who/what do you choose?Hmmm. The word "small" being all italicized like that makes me think that "dragon" probably isn't an acceptable answer. Buuuuut, in my latest WIP, I have fae-dragons who are tiny and cute and their scales are all fluffy-and-soft looking. And they have pretty intense magical powers, so I'm gonna have to go with that.6. Elves or dwarves?Up until a few years ago I would have said a resounding ELVES! every single time. However, bless Peter Jackson's heart, he made dwarves compelling and noble and courageous and I can't help but love him for it. So now I'm torn on this question and I don't know how to answer it, HAAAALP!7. Do you prefer your dragons (we had to have at least one question devoted solely to dragons!) good or evil or a mix of both?Oh, I'm up for dragons in whatever form you have them in. Good, evil, a complex culture and society where they are capable of either just like any other race... give me all the dragons! (My own dragons in the Minstrel's Song series are the latter version, a complex culture and race in which each dragon is capable of being good or evil or a mixture of both, and there are heroic dragons and villainous dragons throughout the series)8. World building is a complicated undertaking full of many details. As a reader, what is a small detail you really appreciate seeing when it comes to diving into a new realm? What is something that helps you lose yourself in a fantasy world?For me, it's little details woven throughout the story that make me fall in love with it. Everyday things like a unique currency system, or a well-thought-out culture that is different but not so over-explained that it detracts from the story, or interesting little customs or different sayings. However, if the world is too different or the differences are too complex, then I have a hard time holding it all in my head and I get a little lost wandering around the streets looking for something relatable. It's an interesting balance.9. You have been transformed into your favorite fantasy creature. Problem is... you're still in your own bedroom and your family is downstairs, completely unprepared for this shock. What creature are you, and how (if at all) do you break the news to your loved ones? (Or how do you get out of your room?)Oh dear. Well, this means I'm a dragon, and despite having a good-sized bedroom, I'm either severely squashed or part of me has already burst through the wall and is out in the yard... so... yeah, it's gonna be difficult to go unnoticed for long. Thankfully, my family is quite familiar with the fantasy genre, so I'm optimistic that I'll be able to convince them of who I am before they call the police.And that concludes the 2020 #FantasyMonth tag! If you like the look of these questions, consider yourself tagged!Mountain SegueA "clean" set of the questions for ease of copy/pasting to your own blog:1. In a strange twist of fate, you are transported into a fantasy realm of your choice. The catch? You have also been transformed into your least favorite fantasy creature. Where are you, and what are you?2. What fantasy creature do you wish featured in more stories? What is your favorite story that has that creature in it?3. As you are reading this, a voice rings in your ear proclaiming:A hero true, a leader strong,A quest is where you do belong,So arm thyself, and take your standWith an item to your left your fate is at hand.Besides the fact that this prophetic voice is clearly incapable of sticking to a meter, what ordinary item do you now find yourself armed with? (And, for bonus points, what helpful magical properties does it now possess that will help you on your quest?)4. You happen across an ad in a catalogue promising a magical fantasy cruise that will allow you to stop in any three realms of your choice and explore each for several days before returning you home (and the ad promises your safe return or your money back, guaranteed!) Assuming this is not a hoax and that the tour guides will actually be able to cater to your requests, what three realms will you tour and what do you hope to see/who would you like to meet along the way?5. Congratulations! You are a fantasy hero/heroine about to start your adventure. You get to choose a small fantasy creature to accompany and assist you on your quest. Who/what do you choose?6. Elves or dwarves?7. Do you prefer your dragons (we had to have at least one question devoted solely to dragons!) good or evil or a mix of both?8. World building is a complicated undertaking full of many details. As a reader, what is a small detail you really appreciate seeing when it comes to diving into a new realm? What is something that helps you lose yourself in a fantasy world?9. You have been transformed into your favorite fantasy creature. Problem is... you're still in your own bedroom and your family is downstairs, completely unprepared for this shock. What creature are you, and how (if at all) do you break the news to your loved ones? (Or how do you get out of your room?)Don't forget to swing by the PINNED POST to check out the giveaway and the IG Photo Challenge. And make sure to stop by tomorrow and read a fabulous guest post by Erin Howard on her experience with world building!