February is Fantasy Month Returns

February Fantasy Month BannerHello, dear Reader! Well, you asked, and here it is. February is Fantasy Month returns for the second year in a row! And this year it's shinier and more magical than ever.If you're new to the blog and have no idea what I'm talking about, or if you just can't remember things that took place a whole year ago (don't feel bad, I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday, so you're in good company), here's a little refresher on what FEBRUARY IS FANTASY MONTH is all about. With bullets, because lists are cool.

  • It's a time to celebrate all the things we love about the fantasy genre
  • It's a time to share reviews of fantasy books or movies we've seen recently and been meaning to review, but haven't gotten around to
  • It's a time to join together and keep the annual gloom and chill of February at bay by introducing a new reason to enjoy the month

And that's about it. Simple, really. And you are welcome to participate, as well! Leave comments, pipe in on the discussion, write a post of your own and add it to the linky list below, or just read along and enjoy the show. l'd also appreciate if you'd link back here in your post somewhere.Also, feel free to grab the banner and share about this fun, annual (I can call it "annual" now!) blog event. The more, the merrier!