Fantasy Story Challenge

February Fantasy Month BannerI hope you are all enjoying your February and having a fantastical, magical, beautiful month already. And if you're not, here's something fun to get you started. It's another story challenge! But this time, because it's February, with a fantasy theme!Here are the rules:

  • Write a short story with a fantasy theme that is 3,000 words or less. (If you are over that word count and still want to participate, please do so! These are "more guidelines than actual rules" (extra points if you said that in your best Barbosa impersonation!!!))
  • Post the story online before the clock strikes midnight on February 28th. (If you have no other place to post it, you are more than welcome to post it in the comments section of this blog)
  • Make sure you link back to this post in your own post.
  • Put your link in the link-up list below so we can read it.
  • Have fun!
  • And this is the challenge part... somewhere in the story, you have to use the word "SNOW"

As always, you are more than welcome to write more than one story.Some story prompts that you can use if you need ideas:

  1. A dragon drops by for the town's midwinter celebration...
  2. Royal protagonist runs away from home to become an actor/actress....
  3. While wandering through the woods one day, our protagonist is startled to find every tree in the forest is whispering his/her name...
  4. Protagonist is chasing fireflies and accidentally catches a fairy...
  5. Protagonist must take over family business of raising racing dragons...
  6. Protagonist is allergic to magic, but has also been chosen to be the royal wizard's apprentice...