Nightstand Books: February 2017

February Fantasy Month BannerMissed the first Wednesday of the month for this post, but hopefully you'll forgive me anyway because I had other things to post for February is Fantasy Month! I hope you are enjoying the return of this fun theme and that it is helping to keep any midwinter blues at bay.This month's reading stack is only one book, because it's massive and I'm not even sure if I'll be able to finish it in a month... but I've been wanting to read these for over a year now, so I figured what better time to start?IMG_2328That's Resistance by Jaye L. Knight, the first book in the Ilyon Chronicles. I've been hearing about this series for quite some time now, and got copies of them for Christmas last year, and am only just now getting around to them. I am looking forward to this story and will let you know what I think when I've finished them!So that's what is on MY nightstand. What is on YOURS this month? I'd love to hear what everyone else is reading!