Life Lessons Learned From Fantasy Tag

February Fantasy Month BannerI hope you all are enjoying the celebration of Fantasy is February Month as much as I am! And what's more fun at a celebration than some games? So here's one! It was inspired by my blogging buddy Tracey over at Adventure Awaits, as she recently wrote a post about the importance of fiction, which resonated with me - and I thought we could turn the idea into a game of tag.Rules:1. Link back to my blog2. Use the image above3. Tell us 5-10 lessons you've learned from reading a fantasy book (or watching a fantasy movie) - lessons can come from multiple sources, as well, of course4. Tag 2-4 other bloggers to keep the game goingAnd that's it! Pretty simple, right?Here are mine:C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe showed through allegory the absolute beauty of the sacrificial love my Savior has for me. It also taught me that redemption is available to even the worst of traitors.Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time taught me that love is truly the greatest weapon at our disposal. Evil and darkness cannot exist long in its light. Another story that hammered this point home in a different way was...J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, which taught me many things - and I could write a whole series of posts on that, but here are a few. It taught me that size, position, authority, and status have no bearing on the courage in one's heart, but that heroes can come from anywhere. It taught me that old bitternesses can be laid aside and covered in forgiveness for the sake of a greater cause. It taught me that even the mightiest may fall prey to temptation. It also taught me that even the strongest temptation can be overcome and atoned for. It taught me that, when times get hard and I am tempted to despair because evil seems so prevalent and far-reaching that "there is good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's The Death Gate Cycle taught me about the dangers of predisposed notions and arrogance. It taught me that no one is too far gone to make the right decision, and that redemption is attainable for all.Anne Elisabeth Stengl's Tales of Goldstone Wood continually teach me about the "still, small voice of the Holy Spirit" and the benefits of following His lead even when the path may make no sense. They have also taught me about redemption, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series has taught me about true friendship, about remaining loyal and sticking by someone even when it's hard, and how to persevere.John Bibee's Spirit Flyer Series taught me about spiritual warfare and how to be vigilant against the schemes of the enemy. It taught me that Jesus broke the chains of sin and darkness, but that sometimes it is in our nature to pick up those chains and wrap them around our necks once more, broken locks and all... but that we need not despair, because those locks ARE broken, and he will continue to deliver us... that sanctification is something that is worked out throughout our lives, and only finished completely on the other side of the veil.Terry Brooks' Magic Kingdom of Landover series has taught me that sorrow does not last forever and that joy can be had in the aftermath. It also taught me about the importance of perseverance in the face of difficulties.Jim Butcher's Dresden Files have been a very unexpected source of teaching what a true Christian walk should look like, and how a quiet steadfastness can affect and influence the people around us, even (and sometimes especially) unbelievers.C.S. Lewis' The Last Battle taught me to look forward to heaven with eager anticipation because there we shall realize the "beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before." These are just a fraction of the lessons I have learned while reading and watching fantasy. And these just from fantasy... as I have learned many lessons from other genres of fiction as well.Now I tag:Deborah @ Road of a WriterDJ EdwardsonMadeline J Rose @ Short and SnappyLiv K Fisher @ Whispers on the Wind