Happy New Year

Well hello there. I've been absent for a while. I was working on a quilt for my parents, and had to take a break from writing in order to get it done by Christmas. However, now that Christmas is over, I'm back to my re-writing/editing and am pleased to announce that I only have 27 pages left in the first run-through. I still have to go back through and do some polishing, and look over my editor's notes, but my January 24th deadline (when the ABNA contest opens) is looking more and more likely to happen!

In other good news, I have an illustrator for the new version of The Dragon's Eye, which I will be renaming King's Warrior once the re-write is done. I'm also planning on trying to do some book signings this year, and maybe travel to a book fair with the new (and improved) version of my first title... we'll see. I would love to be able to give out free copies of King's Warrior to anyone who has already bought The Dragon's Eye, but will have to think through whether or not I can afford such generosity... will let you know when the time comes!

Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! Stay tuned for more updates!