New Year's Writing Resolutions

I do, in fact, have other resolutions for 2011 that are not writing-related, but I'll post them on my other blog. One of these days, I'm going to have a single blog that combines writing topics with everything else, but until that day... you're stuck with my dual blogging. Sorry. haha. Anyway, as a way to keep me accountable, I'm putting my New Year's Writing Resolutions in... ha ha.... writing :) - so feel free to ask me about them and how they're going, I could use the accountability!

And, without further ado: my resolutions for writing in 2011 --

1. Finish my rewrite of Book 1 by January 24
2. Carefully read the submission guidelines for the ABNA contest
3. Submit Book 1 to the ABNA contest
4. Make it to round 3 of the ABNA contest (I made it to round 2 last year)
5. Republish Book 1 with new artwork, new title, and rewritten manuscript
6. Do one book signing this year with Book 1