Happy Friday! I hope you are all doing well. Today's post is short, but it comes with a giveaway! :)

We seem to have finally managed to upload a PDF of the cover that Createspace has no issues with. I woke up yesterday morning to this in my inbox from whoever (or whatever...) sends out the "file review" emails from CS.

"Congratulations! Your interior and cover files for Second Son, #3637150 meet our technical requirements for printing."

Those were beautiful, beautiful words to read, my friends. Even better, was when I looked at the digital proof and saw none of the weird marbling (or camouflage-y) effect on the title on the cover! Hip-hip hooray!

The proofs will be arriving on Tuesday, and if they look as good as the digital proof, be on the lookout for an exciting announcement!!! And, since the weird marbling showed up in the digital proofs as well as the print copies in the past, I am confident enough that we are very close to publishing that I'm including a giveaway for one signed copy of SECOND SON to a lucky winner! (Can only ship to USA residents, sorry!) Have a lovely weekend, dear Readers! See you back here next week!

a Rafflecopter giveaway