Inspiring Images: Genesis

Today's inspiring image is one that I have always thought was just super cool. I found it so long ago that I cannot remember where I first saw it. If you know who this is by, could you let me know so I can give them credit?Anyway, every now and then an image will just spark a complete sentence, full-on, completely formed, in my mind. This is one of those times. I liked the quote it inspired so much, that I use it in The Minstrel's Song book #4 - I'm going to have to have a title reveal for that one pretty soon! One of the things I do differently in this final chapter of The Minstrel's Song is I begin some of my chapters with little quotes or profound sayings. Since I didn't want to go to great lengths to get the rights to a bunch of real quotes, I made up all of my own. This one had been hanging around in my head for so long, that I decided to work it into the history and mythology of Tellurae Aquaous, simply so I could use it.And, without further ado, the image and the quotation it sparked.Genesis 

“Within the cathedral of time the universe swirls in a vortex and falls, one drop at a time, into the universe. This is the great paradox whereby which nothing old is lost and nothing new is gained.”

~Morathi, circa 990

Who is or was Morathi? He was a wizard who had a young apprentice who was a good friend of Kiernan Kane's. And, apparently, he said some profoundly confusing things. But that's all I know about him.

Have you ever seen something that just sparked a phrase or a poem that came to you and was whole and perfect just the way it was? I'd love to hear about it!