InterFiction Gazette

Hello and good morning, dear Readers! I have some very exciting news for you today!

As it happens, I have recently been hired by the prestigious and well-respected journal known to one and all, far and wide, as the InterFiction Gazette!

 What does this mean? Well, I'm glad you asked!As one of their reporters, I will receive their exclusive press pass that is recognized across the spec-fiction multi-verse and which will allow me access into many different realms. I will be diving through universes and traveling to exotic realms in search of unique and interesting stories. I will be trekking across mountains and through deserts and jungles and sailing oceans to interview all sorts of amazing characters and their authors.I look forward to sharing my articles and adventures with you as a new regular addition to this blog.Now, I'm not officially a staff-member just yet. I have a probationary assignment, and if they like that, I'll be hired on as a regular. I've already completed that assignment and I have a good feeling that they will like it.Another part of my job, if I get hired onto the staff, will be to track down another reporter for the Gazette who has sort of gone "rogue." We're not sure what happened, yet, as he is a bit off the radar... all we know is that he has been sending missives containing the stories of his adventures back to the newsroom, and they are not sanctioned assignments by InterFiction. I will be sharing his adventures here on the blog as well, as soon as I am given the green light by my Editor-in-Chief to do so. I am going to need your help keeping an eye out for him, so if you notice anything peculiar in the stories you are reading (especially if you are re-reading a story and notice that there are bits that seem changed from the last time you read the book), please let me know at once! This rogue reporter has taken it into his head that it is his duty not to observe, but to actually CHANGE parts of stories that he doesn't like or agree with!I am sure you can see how such a character on the loose could wreak havoc on the fictional world. 

**The InterFiction Gazette is a product of the author's imagination. All of her adventures on its behalf are solely the property of the author and taken at her own risk. If she should be found or caught in dangerous or restricted territory or be captured by villains, the InterFiction Gazette will disavow any knowledge thereof or any association with the author as one of its employees and furthermore will deny any existence of itself as an actual newspaper**