I'm participating in Kendra Ardnek's Blog party today. Some of you might remember that Kendra came over for a Featured Artist Friday a while back. You can read her interview HERE.

Anyway, today she is having a blog party to celebrate 5 years of blogging and authoring, and I was invited! She's having all sorts of giveaways and drawings and prizes, so make sure you pop on over to her site and check out all the stuff going on there!

First of all, though, she's got a game of tag going (because what's a party without games, right?). And I've decided to play! It's simple, really, just answer the questions on your own blog, link to Kendra's post, and leave her a comment with a link to your post in order to be entered in the drawing!

1. How long have you been blogging? I started blogging (as an author) in August of 2007, so almost 7 years!
2. Which of the books on my WIP list intrigues you the most? This is hard, because I really want to read your already published books! However, since the question is about Works in Progress, I'm going to go with The Ankulen, because it sounds the most intriguing.
3. You're stuck on an island that has no sign of other people. What five items would you like to have with you in this event? My Bible (to keep me sane), a mirror (for signaling boats/planes/etc during the day), a waterproof tarp (for protection, warmth, shelter, and collecting dew or rain water), flint/steel (for starting a fire (also, assuming I know how to use one... otherwise substitute a nice big box of dry matches)), and a book about edible plants in the region with LOTS of detailed pictures.
4. Someone gives you a thousand dollars. What do you do with it? Put it in savings. I'm boring... but unfortunately, when you're all "grown up" you realize that a thousand dollars isn't really that much money, and saving is a good idea in all events.
5. Is there any book that you wish you had written? (Not because of the money involved, but because you love idea so much you wish it was yours). I'm gonna have to say either Taliesin by Stephen R. Lawhead or The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn or Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede. Taliesin because it's just so brilliant and beautifully written and I love this twist on the King Arthur story (and all things King Arthur), and The Icarus Hunt because of the amazing mystery-sci-fi brilliance and surprise ending. I wish I was smart enough to write something like that. Dealing With Dragons because I'd love to be able to write humor that really, honestly makes people laugh because of the sheer wittiness of the story.
6. What is your favorite fairy tale? Oh goodness. I love fairy tales. My favorite has always been the 12 Dancing Princesses, or The Snow Queen.
7. Describe Kendra in seven words. Fun, introspective, creative, imaginative, writer, thoughtful, interesting
8. What is your opinion of popcorn? It smells better than it tastes and it gets stuck in my teeth. Sometimes it's worth it, though... like at movie theaters.
9. How many different crafts can you do? Um... does writing count as a craft? I can piece quilts together, and I've been known to dabble in scrapbooking, and if I really had to I could probably build something out of wood. I'm not super crafty, though. I like to bake...
10. How long have you been following my blog and how did you find me? I cannot remember how long I've been following you... maybe a year? I also cannot remember how I found you. Probably through either goodreads, or Anne Elisabeth Stengl's site, or maybe through Jack's blog... but I honestly don't remember!

Fun game, Kendra! Hope your blog party goes well! I have to go feed my starving astronaut children now. :)