Lessons From My Father

I have the world's greatest Dad.Of course, I'm biased. But it's true. I have a fantastic dad, and I love him to pieces and am super bummed he lives all the way on the other side of the country and that I can't be with him to give him a hug this Father's Day. But, to honor him and to say "Happy Father's Day" from afar, I thought I'd share some of the words of wisdom he passed along to me throughout my life (see, Daddy? I was listening!)He taught me that your children don't care if you can't dance. Dance with them anyway. (We used to "dance" around the house in a long train holding on to each other's back pockets to the tune of "In the Care Bear Family" on an old vinyl record, and we thought it was fantastic fun...)IMG_0125IMG_0126He taught me how to be courageous in uncertain and unfamiliar territory, and that: "I don't go here and I didn't know it was wrong." is a motto you can live by in those situations.He taught me to never give up. "If it was easy, everybody would be doing it."He taught me that adventure is waiting anywhere. It can be in a snowy woods with a little bunson burner and some packets of powdered hot cocoa, it can be in a stream in a state park, it can be in a tent in the back yard or a fort made out of couch cushions.He taught me a love of reading as he faithfully read stories to us every night before bed.Passing on a love of reading to a whole new generation. Grampa Jim and LeianaHe taught me the importance of family as we had a dedicated "Family Night" each Friday night with a movie and pizza (sometimes we did other things like game nights or going swimming, as well).He taught me creativity, as some nights he acceded to our begging for him to make up stories before bed instead of reading them to us.He taught me a good work ethic and a passion for excellence by his own example. I will never forget going out to one of his job sites and watching him use a shovel to scrape dirt and mud off the street that ran in front of the house he was building so that the neighbors would not have to look at a dirty street while this house was being built.He taught me to appreciate a clean home. He was the leader of getting the dishes done and making sure the kitchen looked spotless each night after dinner.He taught me to never settle for less than my best. "I love you too much to let you be mediocre."He taught me to pursue my dreams. "If you want to be a writer, you need to be writing."He taught me that the best place to listen to music is in the car.He taught me that a great way to make chores feel less like work and more like fun is to do them while blasting loud music (it has to be loud enough to hear above the noise of the vacuum cleaner)He taught me how to root for my kids... by always rooting for me and my siblings. He and my mom are the biggest fans we will ever have, no matter what we do.At my sister's concert in May, her biggest fan!He shared with me his love of wholesome stories; of nobility, courage, compassion, friendship, and heroism.He taught me to stand by my principles by demonstrating that it's okay to walk out of a movie if I don't like it or the message it is presenting. He showed me that my standards and beliefs are worth far more than the cost of a movie ticket.He is a fantastic Grampa to all his grandkids. I am so thankful that they get to know him and have him as their grampa. I hope they know how lucky they are!IMG_7450IMG_0067IMG_0014Grampa Jim and ReeseHe told me I was beautiful every day of my life, and it's still the first thing he tells me every time he sees me.I love you, Daddy. Happy Father's Day!Happy Father's Day, Daddy. Thanks for being such an awesome dad, and now a fabulous Grampa!