My Kingdom for a Quest: Cover Reveal

Today I am participating in a cover reveal for fellow fantasy author: Kendra E. Ardnek!I got a copy of Kendra's first book, Sew, It's a Quest for Christmas and I'm so excited to start reading it! I hope to have a review for you soon, but today we are not talking about that book, we're talking about the third book in this series: My Kingdom for a Quest and its shiny new cover!

100_1992Kendra E. Ardnek loves fairy tales and twisting them in new and exciting ways.  She's been practicing her skills on her dozen plus cousins and siblings for years, "Finish your story, Kendra", is frequently heard at family gatherings.  Her sole life goal has always been to grow up and be an author of fantasy and children's tales that also glorify God and his Word. You can read more about her on her blog.

 A little bit about MY KINGDOM FOR A QUESTArthur is the rightful king of Briton, but his Uncle Mordreth refuses to give up the regency.   Arthur and Grandfather are now returning with allies to wrestle the kingdom from his uncle's grasp.  But not all is as it seems among his allies, and everyone has secrets.  New loves, old loves, lost loves, kingdoms conquered and kingdoms stolen.   Who is the real "rightful heir" and will the nearly forgotten sword in the stone finally answer this question? Kendra is also letting us ask her three questions for her cover reveal, so here are my questions and her answers!1. This is your 3rd book in the Bookania Quests series. On your site, you say that this series could be one you will most likely continue working on for the rest of your life. Can you give us some hints about what future stories in this series might hold?
More fairy tales, that's for certain. I have so many stories planned for this world, and it's such a large world, there's going to be a lot to cover. I can't wait to introduce you guys to my Rapunzel and her kids. (Oh, they're such fun.) And at some point Robin's daughter will take over and be the MC of several books until she goes and gets herself married (which will involve some Greek and Arthurian mythology). I'm really looking forward to the book that will combine Cinderella, The Merchant of Venice, and the Odyssey (with Elsie Dinsmore tossed in for good measure.) Since your favorite tale isThe Twelve Dancing Princesses (If I remember right) I'll give some hints, even though it's not until book 19. I'll be using the French version of the fairy tale, which is different from the Grimms in that it's longer, and the hero chooses the youngest princess. Robin's daughter will be returning to this book for an important role, and I have an interesting twist for why they go down there and dance. So ... look forward to it!

2. Of the Bookania Quests books you've published so far, which one has been the most fun to write?
Sew, It's a Quest was certainly the most painless, spinning out of my fingers in only a month. However, fun as it was, I think My Kingdom for a Questdid outrank it slightly. There were several scenes that were just such fun to write, and the characters were just so adorable. Yeah, it took it's own sweet time getting written, but when it cooperated, it gave me gold.

3. Which of the characters in this book caused you the most trouble?

In Kingdom, I didn't really have a trouble character. Everyone behaved beautifully and exactly how I expected them to. I mean, Robin was Robin for a few scenes and didn't want to go exactly where I'd planned ... but she now has a husband who's remarkably skilled in aiming her towards the right direction. It was adorable. Shira was troublesome and frequently absent, but when I wanted her to be there, she was, and she did what I asked. It was just the book itself that gave me trouble, and I'm not exactly certain why.
And now.... the Cover Reveal!!!!!
My Kingdom Cover front image (4)
Lovely and mysterious, don't you think? I'm very intrigued by the sword!