The Year in Review

2014 is almost over! I thought it'd be fun to do a little review of what my writing resolutions were back in January. I went back to THIS POST, and discovered that my goals were as follows:

1. Publish Second Son!

2. Edit “Book Three” of the Minstrel’s Song (sorry, not revealing the title until Second Son is out)

3. Edit “Book Four” of The Minstrel’s Song

4. Begin writing (the official goal is to COMPLETE the book) the first book in my Sci-Fi series (more info coming on that soon!)

 So, how did I do?Well, we published Second Son in March! Huzzah!I edited Yorien's Hand, and that is hopefully going to be published in early 2015.Hm, goals 3 and 4 suffered a bit. But...I did write, edit, and submit a Beauty and the Beast retelling to the Five Enchanted Roses contest. And I've written almost 6,000 words of the sequel to The Orb and the Airship. And I had a baby. Which is more important than all the writing stuff... and a lot cuter.The sci-fi world is on hold for a bit right now. Partially because I already have The Orb and the Airship written, and I've been struggling so much with what to write in book #2, that I feel I need to focus on that world for a bit. I may take a break between books 2-3 to write the sci-fi novel, but we shall see. This is not my "writing goals for 2015" post, this is my "how did I do with my 2014 goals" post!The bloggity blog did pretty well, too. I just got my year-in-review from wordpress.Many thanks to DJ, Abbey, Deborah, and Jack for being my top commenters in 2014! You guys are awesome!So, how did you do with your New Year's Writing Resolutions for 2014? I'd love to hear what you managed to accomplish that was on your list! Hey, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are about to have a fabulous New Year! Make sure to tune back in tomorrow, because we're having Kendra E. Ardnek over here to help out with her latest Cover Reveal for the third book in her Bookania Series: My Kingdom for a Quest. Very excited about that!