Good morning, dear Readers!

First of all, I am sorry this post did not go out on Monday as planned. The weekend was crazy, and then I thought maybe I'd get it finished late, but I spent most of Monday sacked out on the couch feeling extremely unwell. I'm better now.

I hope you all enjoyed the cover reveal on Friday for Second Son! I am hoping to have the proof copy in hand in the next day or two. In the meantime, SECOND SON is up on goodreads - so make sure you head over there and put it on your "Want to Read" lists! I will be keeping you apprised of its status and let you know when it is available for purchase! On the Release Day, I'll have a giveaway going, as well, so that's something extra to look forward to.

 In other extremely exciting news, KING'S WARRIOR has been granted the IndiePENdents "Seal of Approval" by unanimous vote! I submitted the book almost a year ago, and had kind of resigned myself to the idea that they didn't like it, but then I got the email on Monday evening that I had been accepted into this small, but still somewhat illustrious honor. You can read more about the IndiePENdents and their criteria for being awarded the "IndiePENdents Seal" HERE.

Mostly their criteria for receiving the Seal revolve around spelling/grammar/punctuation/formatting - does the book feel "professional" - and less on the story/characters, though those are certainly considered, as well.

In other news, we (and by "we," I mean mostly my husband) have finished getting Second Son into e-book format. So as soon as the book goes live, so will the Kindle version. Hooray!

The results of the Five Glass Slippers contest were released on Saturday, and, sadly, my story was not in the running. However, to be perfectly honest, it was one of those things where I wasn't sure going into it whether I would be more disappointed if I won or if I didn't win. If that makes any sense? I know it sounds a bit strange. Let me clarify, I would have been THRILLED beyond belief to win... because I never win these sorts of things. But I've also never had to release my creation to someone else before, and once I got into the writing and editing of the story, I started to fall in love with it and got this strange sense of... "possessiveness"... for the story. I got very attached to it, despite the fact that I had resisted writing it in the first place, and I started to get these plans for it: I wanted to add more words, polish the ending a bit more, and then a friend agreed to do some illustrations for it if the story didn't win... and I kinda got excited about that... so, while I would have definitely been excited and honored to be included in the Five... I'm not terribly disappointed that my name wasn't on that list. Does that make sense? I feel like it sounds a bit odd... but then, I'm a bit odd... so...

I think that's all the news I have for today. Have some fun things coming up for you in the next weeks. Be on the lookout for an announcement that Second Son has been released to the general public! (And I'll also be releasing the official title of "Book 3 of the Minstrel's Song" with that!) We have a dear author coming over for an interview on Friday. And I'm participating in an exciting cover reveal later this month! Lots of things to look forward to.

Now, it's time for me to get back to my editing on book 3... because we're tentatively hoping to release that one later THIS year!