News and Updates

Good morning, dear Reader! I hope you had a lovely week. I just got back from vacation, all the way on the other side of the country! Brantland and I went to Washington (state) to visit family and do some Stormcave work. We got a little bit of video footage for a super-secret project we're working on, which I hope to be able to share with you later this year. We have some more footage to get, but we made a good start! I also got to meet the newest addition to our family, my new nephew - who was born on Memorial Day! I just love him to pieces! Exciting times all around.MugBannerI have some marvelous Beauty and the Beast news to share with you today. We have an official release date for FIVE ENCHANTED ROSES! That will be coming out on July 27. You can already pre-order the book on Amazon!Also, the other authors for the collection and I are planning a fun series of posts to keep you entertained until the book comes available. We're calling the series "Ring Around the Rose" and that will be starting up next week. Kaycee will be kicking that off, so be sure to go visit her blog for more info on Monday!Rooglewood Press will be announcing their next fairy tale writing contest on June 1, as well, and I'm helping out with that announcement, so you can come visit my blog on Monday as well and find out which fairy tale the next contest revolves around, as well as see the cover for the next collection!What else is going on around here? Well, summer is starting and the blog might get a bit quiet for a while. I will be participating in the Ring Around the Rose series, and I'll still be doing the Six Degrees posts every other week, as well as the always entertaining Nightstand Books meme on the first Wednesday of each month. I'm also planning on doing a title reveal for book #4 soon, maybe the middle of June, so keep an eye out for that. However, other than that, I'm going to be focused primarily on writing and editing for the summer months.I have the galleys for Stone Curse coming in a few weeks, which hopefully won't require much tweaking, but is still an important step in the process of getting that story into your hands as quickly as possible.My line editor is just about done with Yorien's Hand, and I've gotten notes back from a couple of my beta readers, so I'm going to be pretty busy working on that for a while. Once that stage is finished, Stormcave is planning on giving out a few ARC copies, and I'll keep you posted on how you can get in on that.In the meantime, I am chugging along on the content edits for the mysterious book #4.I also have my Cinderella novella to edit. So, lots of editing this summer.But it's not all nose-to-the-grindstone, because I'm also working my way through the rough draft of the sequel to The Orb and the Airship, and my goal is to have it completed by the end of this year. Right now, we're aiming at releasing Orb and the Airship in 2016 - so I'll be sharing more information about that book and series later this year.Busy busy! What are some of your plans for the summer?