Good afternoon, dear reader! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. Sorry this post is late, I wasn't sure I was going to get a blog post up today... I just sort of feel like I have nothing to say today... however, I did want to come over here and let you know that I'm still alive, and I have many blog posts planned. I'm also attempting to get a good chunk of the sequel to Grayden's Tale finished this month, so lots of writing - and maybe excerpts to share or new characters to introduce. November is one of those months during which I always feel like there's just a lot going on, and the days/weeks slip by and I'm not sure where they go - so if I miss a day or two of posting, don't worry, I'm still here. It's just that the weather is usually quite cooperative here in November, absolutely perfect for being out and about and going to parks or playing in the yard, so most of those days probably slip away because I'm outside more.My baby (20 months old) has been sick for the past week (I realized on Saturday that she has hand/foot/and mouth) boo. :( She seems to be doing better today, so hopefully she's on the mend.There ARE going to be a few things up on the blog in the next couple of weeks that are exciting.Tomorrow I'll be posting my review of Anne Elisabeth Stengl's latest novella: Goddess Tithe - as the e-book released tomorrow. I'll give you a sneak peek into my thoughts: I LOVED it!!!On Thursday I'll be participating in a cover reveal for my blogger-kindred-spirit's latest book: Abolished Impractically (Jack Lewis Baillot's sequel to Haphazardly Implausible - which I reviewed recently as well).Sometime this week or next I hope to get my review of the Ender's Game movie up here.I'm supposed to give a talk at the Xi Zeta National Honor Society on Nov. 21 about being an author, so that's exciting! And if it happens I'm sure I'll be back over here to tell you all about it.There's a goodreads giveaway of my Grandma's book going on through Nov. 23.And, of course, the Scavenger Hunt that I talked about on Friday will be starting up on November 30! Please help spread the word!My friends who are adopting three precious children from Uganda (see the button in the sidebar - clicking on it will take you to their blog if you're interested in reading their story) should be heading home next week (after being in Uganda for 5-6 weeks for the adoption process) as a family of EIGHT! Hooray!Well, that's about all I've got for now. Amazing how much I can say when I don't feel like I have much to say....