One Week Away

I know it's been quiet over here. I promise I'm still around. We started school this week:IMG_0486    IMG_0495   IMG_0392Brant originally had a sign, too. It said: Just Another Day of Bein' Cute... but he crumpled it up and refused to hold it nicely for a picture. (What can I say? He's only 11 months old)IMG_0502  IMG_0504AWANA also started this week, and LAMBS and Leiana's dance class starts next week, and it's really all I can do to keep up right now. I missed my August 31st editing deadline, but I'm almost done with this round of edits (despite taking a break from it completely yesterday to make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies... and Brant took a record-length nap, which probably means that was the last moment of quiet I was going to get for a verrrrry long time... but... oh well. Sometimes you just have to choose making cookies over editing). What I'm working my way through is the final intense edit, and after this things get much more simple (but no less important!) I will go through the manuscript several more times (and the final time I read it backwards. Yes. Backwards. It's a trick I picked up in high school for making sure my papers were as error-free as possible).Despite missing my editing deadline, I believe this book's release is still very much on track. (More on that next week)So I just wanted to remind you that the Yorien's Hand Cover Reveal is NEXT WEEK, September 17!!! I have a lot of people signed up to participate, and those who have signed up will be receiving their packets of information later today. But there's still time if you missed the first announcement and want to participate. You do NOT need to have a blog in order to be part of the cover release - you just need to be able to share the cover with someone. Email a friend? Post it on facebook, pinterest, google+, twitter, elsewhere? Print it out and show it to your Grandma? I'll take it! If you can share it, you can join the party (and get to see the cover before the rest of the world, which is just an added bonus).Just go HERE and fill in the (very easy) google form so I know to email you with the info you need. The sign up will remain open until 10pm (EDT) September 15.I'm so excited to share this cover with you, dear Reader! It's just so pretty!