Period Drama Challenge

Miss Laurie is hosting a challenge over at Old-Fashioned Charm to watch and review period dramas, and I signed up. Of course, then I promptly forgot about it. However, despite that, I have actually watched a couple of period dramas, though I'm realizing that I don't really have a good grasp of what a "period drama" actually is. But the challenge runs until July 2nd, so, I might be rubbish at this challenge, but it seemed like fun, so I'm going to try anyway. Today, I'm just answering  her "Tag Questions" but be on the lookout for some reviews of period films coming soon.1. What period dramas did you view in March?Um... Sound of Music and Pete's Dragon (do those count? I feel like Sound of Music definitely ought to)2. What is your favorite period drama soundtrack?I absolutely adore the soundtrack from the 2005 Pride and Prejudice!3. If you could attend a ball in a Jane Austen story what would be the color of your ballgown and who would you dance with?My ballgown would be blue or teal-ish. And... I would really enjoy dancing with Mr. Knightley. I think I like Darcy better, but I feel like Mr. Knightley would be better company, especially if we'd never met before.4. Do you prefer watching period dramas by yourself or with friends/family? Why?

With my family. Because we like to discuss the movie and rewind our favorite parts and the humorous parts are just better when you have someone else to laugh with.5. What period dramas are you looking forward to viewing in April 2016?Well, now I really want to rewatch Emma and Pride and Prejudice. I'm not sure what I'll watch... but those are a couple of my favorites. We're in the middle of the original Parent Trap... is that a period drama? See? I just don't know!! I don't think so, since she cut things off at WWII era, and that was the 60s... I think that means Sound of Music definitely counts, though, right?Thankfully, Miss Laurie has a handy list of lots of different period films, so I may be referencing that quite a bit as I try to decide if movies I watch fit into this challenge or not!