So, as you saw in yesterday's post, the proof copy of SECOND SON arrived. However, in the printing process something went seriously funky with the text on the cover:

Second Son weird print

Obviously, that is not how it is supposed to look. Oddly enough, the text on the spine (which is exactly the same, just smaller) turned out perfectly and looks exactly the way it is supposed to.

So, we're not sure what happened, or why the text printed that way. It's very strange.

My graphic designer, Evan, played with it a bit and sent me a new image - and I have uploaded it and ordered new proof copies which should arrive on or around Feb. 21st (next Friday). If that looks good, then all it takes is a single click on the computer to make Second Son available to the general public! An event I am looking forward to most eagerly! :) I will keep you updated.

As you also saw in yesterday's post (if you looked VERY closely), I've been a bit busy, and not really with writing. :) Morning sickness is no fun. :) Also, we've actually gotten quite a good bit of snow!!!! Which means I'm in my happy place, and all normal events and activities have been put on hold so I can go out and play in the snow with my little ones. However, I am feeling much better now, and the snow is melting, so I am getting back into the swing of things. I will be a bit busy mostly trying to get my editing on Book 3 done. Have had to put work on my sci-fi story on hold for a bit, but will hopefully be able to pick that back up soon!

So, that's my news and updates for now. Next week you'll be seeing a few more character interviews as we head down the racetrack towards the home stretch and the FINISH LINE of Second Son finally being RELEASED and AVAILABLE for purchase! Getting very excited about that!