Well, hello there, dear Reader! I do apologize for the silence that fell over here the past couple of weeks. The second round of proof copies is coming this Friday, and I'm hoping that everything looks good and we'll be able to go ahead and push the "approve" button, but we'll just have to wait and see. For now, we're getting back into the swing of things with another character interview, this time with Dylanna.I already wrote a little bit about Dylanna last year in my "meet the character" series, you can read that post HERE.Today, however, I wanted to go ahead and let her tell you a little bit about herself in her own words. So, without further ado... please join me in welcoming Dylanna to the blog! Dylanna is one I have a hard time picturing, but here are two different actresses I could see playing her... maybe... Welcome, Dylanna, and thank you for joining us today!Thank you for having me.I know my readers are curious about quite a few things about you, but can you just give us a brief overview of who you are?That is a very general question. I suppose the most important things would be that I am a wizardess, the second oldest daughter of Scelwhyn, the last great wizard of Aom-igh, and self-appointed guardian of my niece, Princess Kamarie.Can you tell us a little bit about magic? How does it work? Are you born with it, or is it something you can learn?It can be hard to explain, but first and foremost, magic is something you are born with, period. In our world, you cannot learn magic. It is in your blood or it is not. However, just because a person is born with magic, does not guarantee that they will be able to use it. There is a lot of study and discipline that has to be done in order to access anything more than the simplest of magical abilities. For example, in Llycaelon they have an Oath that helps them tap into the tiny amount of magic inherent in most people born in that country.What sorts of things are you capable of when it comes to magic?I am very good at shape-shifting - a skill I used well for many years before the events that transpire in King's Warrior. I am also very talented at looking at others' magic and being able to see how they did something and then recreate it. I suppose you could say one of my talents is that I am a very quick study when it comes to learning new things.Do you make an appearance in Second Son, and can you tell us a little bit about that?I don't want to give too much away, but I do have a small role in Second Son. In the second half of the book, my sisters and I are introduced and some of our background and early history is revealed. The person who really gets the spotlight, however, is my youngest sister, Zara.One of the things I think our readers would really like to know is more about your relationship with Brant. What do you think of him?Brant is, and always has been, very private, very loyal, and incredibly resourceful. My father trusted him to look after Arnaud and guide him into his role as king of Aom-igh. During the events of King's Warrior, I got to observe this strange and mysterious individual more closely and can say without reservation that I would trust him with my life, and I can see why my father thought so highly of him.That was, not quite what I meant... Oh? Forgive me, was there more to the question?Never mind. Thank you so much for coming and talking with us today.Thank you for having me. I enjoyed being here.  As always, if you have any further questions for Dylanna, please feel free to leave them in the comments and she will try to answer them as best she can! I hope you enjoyed getting to know her a bit better!