Release Date

My friends, I have yet more exciting news!This happened:YH proof copyAnd it is gorgeous! In the past, I've had some frustrating printing issues with covers, which has delayed things greatly. However, the proof copies of Yorien's Hand arrived on Friday and they are just beautiful (and that's the cover that we haven't even sized correctly, yet! So, I was more than a little astounded!)So, of course, the next question on everyone's mind is.... Release Date?In my call for influencer readers, I was hoping to be able to hit a January 18th release date. Well, I am happy to report that it looks like we can move that up a little bit for a release date of:

January 11, 2016

I know that seems like a long way off, yet, but in the publishing world, less than two months is a very short time, especially since there are still a few things left to do before we're 100% ready for general availability!There is the final proof-read to get through. This is the part where I go through my proof copy and mark up the Actual Book and then make any necessary changes to the file. I will also be going through the book backwards, yes, backwards - sort of in a line by line or paragraph by paragraph method - in order to attempt to catch any errors that my brain might fill in and miss going forwards.Once that is done, I need to work on getting the Kindle file ready to go. This process should also weed out any of the final typos that may have been missed in the proof-read.And, of course, I need to give my Influencer Readers time to read their copies so that they can post their reviews on the release date.Also, I'm going to try to set up pre-orders on Amazon, and I've never done that before, so hopefully I can figure it out. They're pretty user-friendly over there, so I'm guessing it won't be too terribly hard.In the meantime, the Black Friday Sale is happening this weekend, and both King's Warrior and Second Son will be free in Kindle format from Friday - Monday, and the paperbacks will be discounted through the sale site, which I will post more about on the actual day of the sale, so get excited!And keep an eye out, because in December I'll be posting a sign-up for ways you can help out with the launch week celebration!