Book Four Title Reveal

I revealed the title for the fourth book of The Minstrel's Song in my Realm Explorers interview with Annie Douglas Lima a few weeks back, but I thought I'd make it all official and post it here:

Minstrel's Call

I wanted to do a fun graphic thing for the announcement, but my graphics people are simply swamped, and thirty minutes playing around on canva assured me of what I already knew... I should not quit my day-job! I cannot design graphically, or artistically. At least I have enough of an eye for it to be able to realize that, right?!

So, instead of subjecting you to my poor attempts at graphic wizardry, I will just give you a few tantalizing tidbits of things you can expect to find within the covers of the final book of this series.

  • a sea voyage
  • mysterious frozen lands
  • noble beasts
  • dragons!!!
  • sword fights
  • mystery
  • the fate of the world
  • Kiernan Kane being... himself!
  • Brant being annoyed at Kiernan Kane being himself
  • epic-ness

 That's about as vague as I can make it, while still being entertaining and giving away actual hints. Hope it sounds interesting!Remember, if you would like to sign up to be an Influencer Reader for Yorien's Hand and have a shot at winning a paperback copy of the book when it releases, I still have a few copies left to give away. You can read the details on how to participate HERE!Have a marvelous Thanksgiving, dear Reader! I'll be posting a list of things I'm thankful for this year tomorrow if you need something to read. Also, I'm participating in the Christian Indie Authors' Black Friday Sale this Friday - Monday, so make sure you check  back on Friday to learn more about that! There will be tons of discounted paperbacks and e-books to choose from in a variety of genres!