Shooting For The Moon

The Kickstarter for The Turrim Archive series is now live!

If you just can’t wait until June 16th to read the first book, backing the Kickstarter is the way to go. The number one reason that I think you should back the kickstarter is because at every level of backery (backingness? backingification?) you get to read the ebook of The Orb and the Airship the second the successful Kickstarter ends.

That’s right.

Backers of the successfully funded Kickstarter will get The Orb and the Airship delivered to their inbox as soon as the Kickstarter ends! That’s nearly a full…. does some quick math on the calendar…. THREE MONTHS early!

But that’s not all! If you back at the higher levels, you’ll get access to ALL the e-books the second they are ready, regardless of release date!

I mean… that’s a pretty good reason. Right? You get to read the series first, before anyone else!

Go check it out!

I’ll wait!

Now that you’ve checked out my Kickstarter and come back, because clearly that is the polite thing to do…

So…. what do you think? Are you as excited about this story as I am?

Kickstarter has this nifty little feature where you can show people your locked preview before it goes live and get feedback on it. So it’s a way to let your most trusted co-conspirators see the whole site beforehand and tell you if you have any typos or if you had spinach in your teeth in your video.

waits patiently

Did you run back over there to check my teeth in the video? Nobody told me I had spinach in my teeth. I think I’m good.

Besides my teeth, I did get a lot of really excellent feedback on the Kickstarter preview.

And one common concern…

“Are you sure you want to set the goal so high? You know it’s all or nothing, right?”

And I appreciated their advice very much, and I appreciated them checking on my sanity. And I did end up cutting the original number down quite a bit, but even what we’re left with still seems pretty enormous.

But here’s the thing. I really want to just take a moment and share my heart with you on this. What I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

To both finish the project and deliver any rewards… that massive-looking number is really, truly what it’s going to cost to produce and publish this five-book series in four separate formats (ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audio).

But beyond the cost of production, I want to give you a chance to be a part of this Great Effort. Most of us will never climb Mount Everest or voyage across the continent of Antarctica. We probably won’t venture into a cave to battle an evil dragon with sword and shield. Testing our mettle against furious foes and finding out what we’re truly made of… will have to happen in more mundane ways than in the stories.

But that’s why I write.

I write to take you on those adventures. When I write my fantastical stories I want you to come along with me as we soar high above the skies in an airship and learn what makes our hearts pound and our senses come alive. I want us to face villains and heroes and discern which is which (some hide their true natures well). I want you to have a chance to join me on this voyage and help make it happen. I want to give you an opportunity to partner with me and these stories that I have loved writing (and I hope you will love them, too) and know that you had a hand in their creation.

I guess, in a way, this Kickstarter is my version of the legendary “Ernest Shackleton Ad” which read:

Men wanted for hazardous journey to the South Pole. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.

Who’s with me?

And if we don’t make the Kickstarter goal… I’m still going to publish these books. I’ll just be doing it with a smaller crew.

And I guess… at the end of the day… it’s also kind of a fleece. Because I truly and honestly don't believe that I can reach that goal.

But God can.

So this is me, bringing my five loaves and two fish.

Let’s see what He does with them.