Spooky Stories Blog Challenge

spookLooky there! I even got a nifty little graphic made... such as it were, with my serious lack of graphic-designing skills. But this is just a fun little exercise, after all, so no need to make a big fuss and bother. Anne Elisabeth held one of these a few years ago and it was really fun. So, I thought I'd resurrect the idea for a little additional October fun.Here's how you can participate - it's really very simple:1. Write a spooky story (3,000 words or less)2. Post the story on your blog by October 31st (UPDATE/EDIT: If you do not have a blog, but can post it on Google + or Facebook or some other place where we can go to read it, that is perfectly fine as well!)3. Fill out the Linky List below so we can all read and enjoy your stories!4. You are welcome to write as many stories as you want.5. Have fun!See? Simple! Super, simple, spooky stories.(I like alliteration)I will be posting  my story pretty close to October 31st, but feel free to join in whenever throughout the month of October.Some prompt ideas:It was under the bed/in the closet - what scared you after lights-out as a child?Going trick-or-treating - tell a story that starts out with someone heading out to go trick or treating...The old haunted house on your street - everyone had one, an abandoned or just creepy looking house on the street where you lived (or had to pass by on your way home from somewhere) the one where you crossed the street and walked on the opposite side of the road...At the bottom of the lake - that "head for the shore" sensation you sometimes have while swimming in deep water that you can't quite control...Monsters - tell a story about a mythical monster (bigfoot, ghosts, etc)But most of all, have fun!