Spooky Story Drachtober

2017Spooky Story ChallengeIt's that time again! Time for another STORY CHALLENGE!Since it's October, of course, the theme has to be SPOOKY STORIES. But this year, for an additional challenge (and because I'm hosting the #Drachtober hashtag game over on facebook and twitter) there also has to be a mention of a DRAGON somewhere in your story.The rules haven't changed, they are as follows:1. Write a short story under 3,000 words (it's a challenge, not a contest, so there is some leeway with this... if your story is a bit longer, please feel free to share it anyway)2. Post the story to your blog or wherever by October 31st.3. Fill out the linky list below with the URL to your POST so we can all read and enjoy each other's stories (linky list will go live tomorrow, October 1st)4. You may write and share as many stories as you want... don't feel limited to just one story if the inspiration strikes!5. You are welcome to use a story you have written previously if it fits the challenge, so long as it hasn't been published previously.6. Have fun!