Strangest Browser Searches

I was tagged by DJ Edwardson to participate in this fun challenge created by Madeline @ Short and Snappy. I did something like it a while back talking about the various things I've researched for my writing, but I've done more writing since then, and thought it would be fun to participate in the tag!The Rules:

  • Access your browser history
  • Pick at least 5 of your strangest searches you've had to look up as a writer
  • List them below with an explanation as to why you had to look them up
  • Tag 2-5 other bloggers

I honestly don't think that my browser searches are all that strange. Maybe if I was a murder-mystery author. However, it could be entertaining to see what people would assume my life was like if they didn't know I was an author, and all they had to go on were my browser searches. Because in between normal things such as "children's growth percentile" and "(insert name of song) + lyrics" and searches for various kid's arts and crafts and science/school related projects... the following are scattered:Middle ages farewellI was trying to come up with a more archaic term or way of saying "goodbye"poached eggs medieval times I wanted to know if poached eggs were something that could appear amongst other food in a medieval settingSwedish surnamesI have a slightly unhealthy obsession with finding the PERFECT names for characters, and as I have decided that each region in my new series corresponds with a specific set of origins for names and culture... I've spent a lot of time searching for names with my latest WIPvictorian era haircut for menBecause I wanted to describe a character's hair... and make it realistic to the era I am attempting to capture a feel of... but also using my imagination, because... fantasy to get a sailboat to go fastThis one seems self-explanatory. One of my beta readers for Minstrel's Call suggested I brush up on my ship-terminology and sprinkle it in to give the book a more realistic feel.sharpening a sword without sandpaperA character had to sharpen his sword and I needed to know what the order of operations would be in a time period before sandpaper was inventedwhat does a rock slide sound like?Obviously... a rock slide occurs in the story. I needed to describe it.rolling while holding a swordMy poor characters really need to do a lot of moving and running and rolling... I wanted to know if this was even feasible without losing their does one secure a climbing rope into rockI need to do more rock climbing.inosculation oak treeYeah... that's probably the weirdest one. And the reasons are a bit spoilery... so... to rescue someone buried in an avalanchePoor characters! They have no idea what's about to hit them.what causes an avalanche?Curse you, all cinematic history! You've lied to me for YEARS! But now I know, and can write all about realistic avalanches that nobody will believe because the movies have made us believe that avalanches are caused by loud, sudden sounds. sigh.... So... if you didn't know I was a writer... what conclusions would you come to based on my browser history?Now, to tag some people.Hmmm.....Kyle Robert ShultzZachary TotahNick WilfordH.L. Burke