I never get tagged for these things, unless it's in a "everyone who reads this should now officially consider themselves tagged" sort of way. Which is how I came across this particular tag. I'm choosing to play along. The rules seem to be to come up with 11 random things about myself, answer the questions of the person who tagged me, and then make up my own questions. I think I've got that right.

Here goes.

Eleven Random Things:

1. I'm kind of old-fashioned when it comes to technology - and especially when it comes to phones. The main reason we have a home phone line is because I cannot be trusted to keep a cell phone a) on, b) charged, or c) nearby enough for me to notice if it rings. I just don't think it's going to be the end of the world if someone can't get ahold of me right when they want to. And I do not text. Ever. (okay, I've done it maybe 7 times... and I dislike it).

2. I have always wanted to own a horse. I still do. Even though I know they're expensive and time-consuming and the rational side of me thinks they'd probably be more trouble than they're worth... the part of me that never outgrew my horse-crazy days really wants to live on a large amount of land and have a couple of horses, a few dogs, and lots of barn cats.

3. I dislike fish. Living on the East Coast, this is difficult to explain to people. I just don't like the smell or taste of fish... I do like fishING, though... so long as I don't catch anything.

4. I am incredibly shy and have trouble keeping a conversation going unless I am extremely comfortable with the person I'm talking to. In most conversations I swing between silently shouting at myself to SAY SOMETHING and to SHUT UP, because either the conversation has come to a longer-than-usual pause and I feel the onus to reignite it, or I feel that I am talking too much and probably boring the person I am talking to to death.

5. I have lived in three states, and all three of them share the same state bird: the Cardinal. How weird is that?

6. My favorite superhero is Batman.

7. Humor is the mode I go into whenever a situation becomes tense, sad, or depressing. I try to go into this mode tactfully, but my brain seeks escape from somber moments...

8. One of my favorite places in all the world to be is on a boat. Any boat. But preferably a speed boat or a catamaran zipping across a placid lake.

9. My favorite saying is, "The dude abides." I try to use it as often as possible.

10. The one thing I find it hard to abide in this world is a double-standard. Not much makes me more angry.

11. I quote movies and tv shows constantly. It also drives me crazy when I cannot figure out where I have seen an actor/actress before. I also get a huge kick out of movies or tv shows that quote or reference other movies/tv shows. This is probably why I love Psych so much.

And now for the 11 questions:

1. How do you feel about main character deaths?

It depends on how they are done. I don't like it when a favorite character dies, but the tragedy of it can be cathartic in a way. If I feel that the character has died for no good reason, but only so that the writer can prove his/her ability to kill off a main character, that is when I tend to have a problem with it.

2. What does TADA! mean to you?

It generally means the same thing as, "Hey! That worked!" but is shorter and easier to say with a dramatic flourish.

3. If I walked up to you and yelled, or whispered, HAIL HYDRA! What would you do?

Probably back away slowly, and call my ninja friends to come take you out.

4. If I gave you a pet duck would you take him for a walk in the park?

Of course! Ducks like parks. And then I would leave him there, because I don't know the first thing about caring for ducks, but I am sure he would enjoy living at the park with all of his newly-made duck buddies, and I would bring bread to feed him and his friends every week.

5. What was the last book you read that had you either crying, laughing, ready to fall out of your seat, forget how to breathe, or all of the above?

Definitely Shadow Hand. Not much else that I've read this year has reached me like that one... but I've been reading rather fluffy, middle grade fantasy, so that's not surprising. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fluffy, middle-grade fantasy. But it is rare that one reaches my emotions in that way.

6. You would come to a sleep over? We could make a tent out of blankets and sleep on couch cushions thrown on the floor.

Sounds like fun! I'll bring the makings for s'mores, and try to remember my favorite ghost stories!

7. What was the last song you listened to one repeat over and over?

Goodbye by Brittany Jean

8. What was the last movie you saw that...gave you the same emotions I asked about with the book?

Saving Mr. Banks. Whoo boy, that one hit me extremely hard. It was a little embarrassing, because all the people I was watching it with paused the movie and stared at me like I was nuts.

9. Do you think reindeers are better than people?

Erm... they might be better than some people... but as a general rule, I'd probably prefer human company to reindeer company.

10. How do you feel about the giant rats of Somalia?

I was not familiar with this news story before reading this question. In general... CREEPY.

But, because of my love for The Princess Bride combined with my love of movie quotes and references combined with Random Thing About Me #7... it does make me wonder if Somalia also has large Fire Swamps... and lightning sand...?

11. When you were a kid did you used to play Cowboys and Indians? (Germans. I mean Cowboys and Germans.) (PLEASE tell me someone got that reference.)

Not really. Our games were either things like "Kick the Can" and "Capture the Flag" or we delved deep into the world of imagination as we created scenarios in which we ended up in Narnia and had to fight the White Witch's evil successor: Red-Green. (She had one red eye and one green eye, and she could look in on the "real" world through the stoplights). Or various other make-believe worlds/games.

Okay, now I have to come up with 11 questions for you to answer.

1. What do the words "as you wish" mean to you?

2. Which would you rather face: incredibly fearsome large rodents who are relentless, or a sphinx that can see straight into your heart and will blast you with lasers if you're not pure of heart? (P.S. I missed question #10 earlier, and came up with this one before I knew about the giant rats in Somalia situation... how weird is that?)

3.  Name a song that has brought you to tears.

4. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

5. Would you rather be a giraffe or an elephant?

6. If you could enter one fictional world, but you had to stay there for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

7. What is one place you haven't been to that you would love to see before you die.

8. If you had to be a henchman, which evil villain would you most want to serve?

9. Would you rather make people laugh or cry?

10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

11. Favorite hot drink?

And now, I TAG ALL OF YOU! If you are reading this, you are tagged! Feel free to create your own blog post, or just answer the questions in the comments below. :)