The Wulver's Rose

AdforFreeBookJust wanted to pop in to tell you all about a really exciting thing Rooglewood Press is doing! They have turned The Wulver's Rose by Hayden Wand into it's own, standalone e-book that you can get FOR FREE. Permanently!If you've been curious about the Five Enchanted Roses project, but aren't sure you really want to read the whole collection, you can pick up this story on your e-reader and check it out. And make sure you take note of the gorgeous cover they came up with for her story. I just love it!It is a beautiful story. Hayden did such a good job with it, and her retelling is definitely the closest to the original version - though I loved her very unique twist on the rose itself. The rest of us deviated from the original quite a bit in various ways... which is, of course, part of the fun of a collection like this.What are you waiting for? Get your FREE copy today!