This year has been such a weird one writing-wise. I spent most of the year working on editing Yorien's Hand, or procrastinating from editing Yorien's Hand, or thinking about editing Yorien's Hand... and while that did entail a lot of new writing and creating, it was mostly a major edit with a ton of minor rewrites.

I finished that, sent it off to my line-editor, and was left with a sense of "what next?" Which I explained a bit in THIS POST, and gave the reasons for why I chose to spend the next little while working on my Beauty and the Beast retelling.

I have to admit, the writing is not going well. I have too many ideas in my head, and not enough time to put them all on paper. Every story in my imagination is clamoring for attention, which makes it quite difficult to focus on whatever it is that I am currently working on. And then, when I sit down to write, I feel like every idea flies out the window and every word is a struggle. Nothing is flowing well right now. Nothing is coming easily. I've written over 7,000 words of my Beauty and the Beast tale, and only 4,000 of them are currently staying in the story. I don't usually have this issue with cutting whole scenes and starting over, and it's frustrating.

Coming up with blog posts is also a struggle. Writing in general has just become frustrating in the past month, and I don't know why. I don't know if it's because of all the ideas demanding attention, or if it's because I don't feel like I have time, or if it's simple laziness on my part... but writing is a lot harder than it's ever been. Even coming up with blog post ideas is a chore.

Anyway, I'm trying to get a bit more organized here... so for next time, be on the lookout for a post in which I talk about my "writing to-do list" - and give some hints about upcoming projects. Maybe if I put them somewhere visible, they'll quiet down enough for me to actually write them.What are some things that you do when your passion (be it writing or some other creative outlet) becomes frustrating? I'd love to hear what works for you!