Two days left in the A-Z April Blogging Challenge!

Today's post for the letter "Y" is brought to you by Yole, another character in King's Warrior.

It had been a difficult climb up Mount Theran, Yole thought, but it had been worth it.

These were the words I typed when I first sat down to write King’s Warrior (then titled “The Dragon’s Eye”)

While many aspects of the story have changed in subsequent edits, revisions, and a major re-write, Yole has been one character that has remained fairly unchanged through it all. The only major change is that he did not end up being as main a character as I originally meant for him to be.

Yole appears as a young boy, a street urchin, really. He wanders from town to town, working odd jobs and trying to survive in a world he believes he understands but never quite belongs in. He is average in height, appearance, and face, though his eyes are an uncanny amber color that sometimes appears almost golden. His eyes often unsettle people.

I knew right away who Yole was. I knew he was more than he seemed. I also knew that he had no idea of his heritage. How could this be? How could this happen? How is it possible that he not know who or what he was? The answer to the questions about Yole lay within the depths of Krayghentaliss, the secret realm hidden beneath Aom-igh.

Yole is one of those entertaining characters that some people "get" right away and others don't. Whenever I let people read my first chapter, Yole is what I get the most comments on. They range from, "I can't wait to see more of Yole, I have some guesses about who he is and am curious to see if I'm right," to "why is this random kid in the first chapter?" It's always fun to see what people think of Yole at the beginning of the book.

Tomorrow is the last day of the A-Z Challenge... and then I believe there is a "reflections" post coming... after which we shall return to our normal programming. Hope you've enjoyed reading my alphabetical posts!