
I am sorry that the site went down for a bit over the weekend. It was one of those "perfect storm" sorts of scenarios. Nothing drastic, just a little glitch that has now been resolved!To make it up to you, I have an announcement that I think you will find exciting...Minstrel's Call - release dateI don't know about you, but I'm certainly excited! There is something so fun about being able to set the release date for this final verse of the Minstrel's Song on the last day of February. It is like coming full circle in many ways, because I released King's Warrior back on Feb. 29, 2012! And it comes at the end of February is Fantasy month, so we keep the fantasy fun going a little longer, this way. (I'll have more details on Fantasy Month coming soon)And yes, the background for the image was taken from a tiny corner of the cover painting... so you even get a slightly bigger glimpse of that, too! I'll be putting out a call soon for help with a blog-tour to celebrate the release, so keep an eye out for that!Thank you, dear Reader, for being a part of this effort and for being a big part of the reason I've kept going and worked to complete this series.