Mythical Doorways

So, the Fellowship of Fantasy puts out periodic anthologies of short stories. Each anthology revolves around a common theme. So far, they've done Fantastic Creatures and Hall of Heroes. The next theme is "Doorways" which you may have heard me mention once or twice. A couple of weeks ago they revealed the cover for this newest adventure, and WOW!Mythical DoorwaysIsn't that simply gorgeous? I love it so much! The artist who put it together is Juliann Whicker and she did a phenomenal job.Also, I really like the way it looks with my blog-snow falling past it.....But even more exciting than a new anthology with a beautiful cover, is getting to announce that my story will be one of the stories INSIDE the anthology!!! I got the note yesterday that my short story, DRAGON WARD, was accepted and will be part of this collection of stories. I cannot even express how excited I am about that.Dragon Ward is set in Tellurae Aquaous, the same world as the one in my Minstrel's Song series, but it takes place several hundred years before the advent of King's Warrior (or even Second Son, if you're thinking chronologically about the series). I am so thrilled that this will be coming out so soon after the release of Minstrel's Call!The goal is to get this anthology out by the end of March, and if you would like to receive alerts about this anthology, you can sign up for them HERE.Spring 2018A Fellowship of Fantasy AnthologyI'm so excited for this to release so I can read everyone else's stories. And, can I just say that I'm super psyched to be in another anthology with Savannah Jezowski?!?!? We're anthology buddies from Five Enchanted Roses, and we are both releasing books at the end of February (there will even be a facebook party with us and a few other authors releasing books around that time... more info on that later!)