Cinderella Party: A Game of Tag

Cinderella Party Tag:

We're starting things a little slowly here today in the Stormcave. We all got up at 3am yesterday morning in order to make the first installment of our journey home from Washington, which was in the form of a 5:40am flight. Excuse me? Who's genius idea was that? Oh right, mine.
*ducks head in shame*
But it meant we were home by 3:30pm even allowing for losing 2 hours, and all the children went to bed by 7pm, and slept in until about 8am. So I'm calling it a success.
It means I'm exhausted, though.


But, I must push the exhaustion aside, because, like our heroine this week, I'm a bit late to the ball! The Cinderella Party is being hosted by the Lady of Anorien
and various other bloggers all this week, and the theme is... of course... all things Cinderella.
So, starting us off today, a fun (and easy, because I'm not quite ready to write my review of Ella Enchanted... which I will be posting later this week) game of tag! Because what's a party without a few games?
If you would like to join us at the ball, feel free to grab these questions and post the answers either on your blog, or in the comments section below. You can find a fresh set of questions HERE, and there is also a super awesome giveaway going on, so make sure you click that link and check it out!
Okay, now that the pesky logistics are out of the way, my answers:
1. In the vast array of fairytale heroines, what particular character qualities most define Cinderella?
Personally, I think kindness is the most important one. Cinderella is unfailingly kind. Despite all the awful things that befall her, in spite of being surrounded by selfish, lazy, spiteful people, she never stops being truly kind and considerate of others.
Other qualities that I think are important in any Cinderella-type character would be gentleness, diligence, integrity, and a spark of adventurous spirit. Without the adventurous spirit, Cinderella would be a very dull character, indeed.


2. What are some of the deeper, big picture differences you see between retellings where both stepsisters are nasty and others where one is nasty and one is kind? How do you think the two takes differently develop/illuminate/affect Cinderella’s character and also the overarching story itself?
The stories where both stepsisters are nasty definitely shine a brighter light on Cinderella's character and her kindness. However, there is a bit more tension and drama in a story where one of the stepsisters is kind, because you have different sorts of interactions, and it can add to those nail-biting scenes where everything hangs on the decision of the stepsister who can be kind, but might not be. Of course, it also adds a little bit of hope to the story, that perhaps not ALL the world is filled with nasty, unkind people... I couldn't tell you which story I prefer, actually. But if the stepsisters are going to be evil and unkind, then I want them to be truly villainous, and not sort of half-hearted about it.


3. Are you an animal lover? Would you eagerly count mice, lizards, cows, and geese as friends? Dogs and cats?
I do love animals, but not ALL animals are ones I would eagerly count as friends. I love dogs, cats, horses, hawks, wolves, bunnies, tigers, bears (though some of those would be terrifying to come face-to-face with), but it would be much harder for me to count mice and lizards as friends... and geese have never liked me much.


4. After asking question #3, I realized how remarkably many of the adaptations I’ve seen have Cinderella either horseback riding or involved with horses. Have you ever ridden? If so, have you ever ridden sidesaddle or bareback?
I have ridden horses quite a lot. I took lessons when I was younger, and our neighbor let me ride her horses whenever I wanted, as well as taught me how to groom, feed, and take care of them. I also went to several different "horse" camps, and always had a blast.
I have ridden bareback once (it was very uncomfortable), but never sidesaddle.


5. Your favorite Cinderella dress/s?
I really like the one in Ever After, but I think the one in the new Cinderella is probably my favorite thus far.


6. Do you ever think of Cinderella while doing your household chores? 
Yes. All the time. And every now and then, I burst into a rendition of "Sing Sweet Nightingale" (hopefully it sounds better than either of the stepsisters' versions) while washing dishes or cleaning the bathroom.


7. What major character traits do you think are essential in a faithful prince?
Loyalty, kindness, and courage. He needs to be determined and kind of strong-willed, and a sense of humor would be good, too.


8. Your top THREE favorite fairy tales (as in the original folk tales, not adaptations).
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Apple of Contentment, and The Goose Girl


9. Your top FIVE current favorite fairy tale/legend type films (BESIDES any Cinderella adaptations).
The Princess Bride
The Neverending Story


10. If you could play Cinderella and the story could be set in any region of the world and any time period, what would you pick? And what would your dream ‘ball gown’ for it be like?
The region would be Scotland, the time period would be the 1800s, and my dress would look like this:


11. And (purely for fun)… what color/s do you immediately associate with Cinderella?
Silver - I know that blue is the color that Disney has tried to associate with Cinderella, but I grew up with the original VHS version, and her dress was a silvery-grayish-white, not blue. Blue was the color of Aurora's dress throughout practically the ENTIRE movie, and yet she is always depicted in pink...
...apparently this is a bit of a sore spot for me. haha!


And that is all for today. Welcome to the ball! Refreshments can be found on tables over by the North Wall, and please thank our hostess when you see her for putting together this lovely event. Also, the musicians have come from all over the world, and their talents are truly remarkable, so please enjoy their additions to the ball, and make sure you get in some dancing! And keep track of your shoes! (Unless you'd like to leave one behind in the hopes that a handsome prince will come looking for you, but I find that exchanging phone numbers tends to be less chancy these days).


Tell me, dear Reader, what is YOUR favorite Cinderella retelling? Or your favorite fairy tale in general? I'd love to hear from you!