Giveaway Winners

Sorry for the silence last week, my family has been battling the plague.Okay, it was just sniffles and nasty coughs and an earache and one child threw up on my bed, but it felt like the plague.But you have not come to visit to hear about our woes. You've come here to find out if you are one of the lucky winners of the Yorien's Hand giveaway!And I am about to tell you who those winners are... but first, a few words (shuffles a large stack of paper)...Just kidding.I'm evil. Sorry.Okay, ahem! WINNERS!

The Hand-and-a-Half Training Sword goes to.......


The Dragon Pendant Necklace goes to.....


And the signed paperback Minstrel's Song trilogy goes to......


A hearty congratulations to all of our winners! I will be contacting you shortly to get shipping info so I can send you your prizes!