Blogging About Blogs Tag

I've been feeling kind of lackluster on the writing front lately. It may have to do with this lingering cold. It may just be the "valley" after the mountaintop experience of launching Yorien's Hand. Maybe it's just a January sort of thing. I know I've been quiet. But I've been thinking, trying to figure out what sorts of things I should write about over here in 2016.I haven't got it all figured out.But I know I want to write more reviews, especially of books that aren't getting enough attention. And I want to write posts that are just fun to read. And I want to participate in some more of those fun memes that everyone seems to enjoy, like the Top Ten Tuesday meme and the Beautiful People link up, and of course I'll still do Nightstand Books each month and Deborah's Ishness posts, because those are super fun. I tried to think of a weekly schedule I might be able to stick to, but the truth is, I just can't commit to anything rigid here on the blog... because that overwhelms me and makes me feel kind of panicky. But I do want to write things, and I do hope you enjoy them. 2015 was a great year here on the blog, and here's hoping that 2016 is even better!Lovely blogging-buddy Heidi over at Along the Brandywine tagged me recently for the "blogging about blogs" tag, and I do enjoy a rolicking good game of tag, so, here goes!THE RULES

Thank the person who tagged you: Thank you, Heidi!
Answer the questions (see below)
Tag some blogging friends
Blog that makes me laugh
Definitely Jack's blog over at However Improbable
Also my friend Corie over at Baby Steps
Blog that makes me think
Joy's blog over at Fullness of Joy
Blog that teaches me things
Um... I'm not entirely certain on this one, I don't really read blogs for educational purposes, more because I enjoy the writing styles or the posts or I just like the blogger. If I have to choose, I probably learn the most from Ann Voskamp's A Holy Experience or Kristen Welch's We are THAT Family and other blogs like that that I don't read on a regular basis, but do happen across every now and then.
Also probably Anne Elisabeth's blog over at Tales of Goldstone Wood - I learn a lot about balancing writing and life and also about when to expect new books from one of my newest favorite authors!
Blog with beautiful headers
I don't usually notice headers, because I'm far more interested in the posts below them, but Heidi's headers are always extremely eye-catching Along the Brandywine
Blogger who takes great pictures
Erm... Michael Hudson at Hudson Fine Art - I love his outdoor scenic photography and have his book Under October Skies, which is pretty spectacular
Blogger whose recommendations I trust
Deborah at Road of a Writer
New blog I'm enjoying
Tracey over at Adventure Awaits is a newer blog I started following in the past few months, really enjoy her posts.
Blog I've followed the longest
Hmm, probably Kaycee over at The Pink Cave
Blog I've started following the most recently
Possibly Christine over at Musings of an Elf? I also met some lovely new blogging friends during Cinderella Week, but I haven't plugged them into my newsreel yet.
And Savannah's blog over at Savannah Jay's Workshop, love that I got to "meet" this fellow author through the Five Enchanted Roses contest!
Blog that is always a refreshing happiness
Definitely Deborah's blog - Road of a Writer
Blog where I revel in the words
Now I guess I'm supposed to tag other bloggers? So... how about I just tag everyone I mentioned above?  (except Heidi, since she already did it)
What about you? What blogs do you enjoy reading and why?
If you want to do the tag, here's a "clean" list of questions for ease of copy/pasting:
Blog that makes me laugh
Blog that makes me think
Blog that teaches me things
Blog with beautiful headers
Blogger who takes great pictures
Blogger whose recommendations I trust
New blog I'm enjoying
Blog I've followed the longest
Blog I've started following the most recently
Blog that is always a refreshing happiness
Blog where I revel in the words