Going Dark

Whew! What an awesome month October was! I had so many things going on: we have begun work on the interior finishing of our house, I participated in several blog tours, read and reviewed some awesome books, interviewed a myriad of interesting characters, ran #drachtober, issued a spooky story challenge, wrote 2 pieces of flash-fiction (one for the blog, one which I submitted to an online magazine), and went on a family-reunion-vacation smack-dab in the middle of the month, which was particularly awesome.However, all of that busy-ness has amounted to practically ZERO writing getting done on the next Turrim Archive book. And that needs to be attended to.What that means is that I'm planning a little November hiatus from this blog AND social media in general so that I can get some writing done.I'm actually going to attempt to participate in NaNoWriMo this month for real! I set up my novel on the website and everything. I'm Jenelle72521 over there if anyone else is doing NaNo and wants to be my buddy!So this is my official announcement...

I am going Internet Dark until the blog-o-versary party in December.

Don't forget to leave comments asking me questions!!

If you see me online... feel free to remind me to get back to work.I'll just leave a few of these motivational images of some of my favorite characters here to remind me of what it is I'm supposed to be doing...Okay, that leaves out quite a few of my absolute favorite characters, but I couldn't find any from The Princess Bride or NCIS or Stargate... a gross oversight on the part of meme-makers everywhere. But I don't have time to make them myself right now.... maybe another day!