Sorry for not posting  yesterday. I have been coming down with a cold/cough and it's really wearing me out. I haven't been idle, despite my lack of posting. Some of the reason for not posting to the blog is that I've just been so busy working on other writing projects.

So, what have I been up to writing-wise lately?

I've been working on The Orb and the Airship my next big writing project. I'm about 69,000 words into the story currently. I think the plot is almost finished, although I have some story arcs I'll need to go back and insert into the beginning of the tale later. This may be a slightly shorter book, I have a feeling I'll cap it out around 120,000 words (compared to King's Warrior: 140,000 and Second Son: 150,000 +/-)

I've been collaborating with my singer/songwriter sister on a new song for her next recording session in Nashville. I can't give anything away on that project here, but I can tell you that I am super excited about it!

I wrote a short story about the assigned topic: Fallen Angels, for a goodreads writing competition.

I've been participating in numerous interviews like this one trying to get my name out there a bit.

And I've been gearing up for the April Blogging challenge I'm taking part in. I am starting to get really excited about the posts I'm going to be writing up next month. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I think I'm going to enjoy writing them. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to post them all in the morning, some may have to wait until afternoon or evening hours... but I am going to do my absolute best to complete the challenge and post every day (except Sundays). So I hope you're looking forward to that! I sure am.