Look What Came in the Mail

Two posts in one day? I thought you were being consumed by editing. What happened to not posting so much?Um... please note that I wrote Monday's post several weeks ago... I actually forgot about it and was kind of surprised when it went ahead and posted as scheduled. Tuesday's post was the regularly scheduled Six Degrees installment, and this morning's post did not exactly take a lot of effort to throw together, since I didn't have to write anything for it.But this, this, this! I can't help myself!Remember when the mailman coming was cause for the greatest of excitement? Some people grow up and learn the hard lesson that most mail that gets delivered to adults is "junk" mail. But I have a confession to make. I never really grew out of the excitement. The mailman pulling up outside our driveway is always cause for my stomach to start doing little flips of joy and anticipation. Perhaps today, someone will have sent me something!I have to make myself let my six year old go check the mail, not because I don't think she's old enough to handle it (she does a spectacular job), but because, deep down, I want to be the one to open the mailbox and the first to see what's in there.Misfortunately, on a day-to-day basis, nothing exciting is actually in the mailbox. But that does not diminish the hope of finding something there each day.And hope springs eternal, because every now and then, something exciting IS in there! Like today:Photo on 3-26-15 at 2.40 PMNot the greatest picture, but what do you expect from Photo Booth? It does show off my lovely book cases and my new haircut. :) (Can I just say, the mirroring that Photo Booth does is kind of strange).Anyway, no, that's NOT a copy of the actual Five Enchanted Roses (because then it would have had to be delivered by hand from the Doctor in a blue police box, and I would have had a lot more pictures to put in this post of my amazing adventures with him - also, I would look a lot more excited, be dressed in some sort of beautiful period attire, and have a look of relief in my eyes, because editing suddenly got a WHOLE lot easier! haha!), but it WAS a surprise gift of a journal with the Five Enchanted Roses cover from Rooglewood Press. It also came with a delightfully sweet and encouraging note that was extremely well-timed, and it absolutely made my day!It never rains, but it pours, because I also got THESE:Photo on 3-26-15 at 2.45 PMPhoto on 3-26-15 at 2.45 PM #2These will make no sense to you, because they're out of context, but they are meant for a beautiful wood display case that my Daddy built for me to take to book signings and book events. I will have my husband install them shortly and take a picture of the finished product (with a real camera) and show it to you later.