Minstrel's Call Blog Tour + Giveaway Extravaganza!

Minstrels Call BLOG TOUR BUTTON - bannerY'all.It's RELEASE WEEK!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KveVegHI94[/embedyt]

Hehe... he. Yep, that about sums it up. Thanks, Pinkie Pie.Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway extravaganza for my latest release, Minstrel's Call!Maybe not a true "extravaganza," but it's a fun word to put on the invitations! We have so many fun things planned over the next two weeks, it is almost ridiculous.But before we get into all the details, I just want to say, "Thank you."Thank you, dear Reader, for sticking with me. For encouraging me. For rooting for me. For leaving comments on this blog, for following me on facebook and twitter and instagram.... and possibly even on my poor, neglected Pinterest. Thank you for reading my posts, for reading my books, for loving my characters. Thank you for leaving reviews, for telling your friends, for bringing others along with you. Thanks for sending me fan art. Thank you for your patience. I'm not the fastest writer, and I don't churn out books quickly, and I appreciate how long some of you have waited for this final chapter. Some of you have been waiting since King's Warrior's first publication under a different title, even! To you especially, I tip my hat. Without you, dear Reader, this whole endeavor wouldn't be nearly as much fun.But let's get to the exciting stuff, shall we?First of all, a SALE!To celebrate the release of Minstrel's Call, the first three books in the series — King's Warrior, Second Son — are each being offered at the special, discounted price of just 99 cents, and Yorien's Hand is on sale for just $1.99 from February 27 - March 6!(Sorry about that, dear Reader. I thought I had scheduled Yorien's Hand to be 99 cents as well, but I must have hit the wrong button when scheduling things. Sigh. Well, 4 books for under $5 on 2/27 & 2/28 is still a pretty good deal! And if something had to go wrong with the release, this is a pretty small thing... right?)Here is the official teaser:Minstrel's Call CoverMINSTREL'S CALLWar threatens. The game board is set. But the Minstrel is missing...Advancing his growing power, the Dread Prince breaks free of his prison and brings a faction of dragons under his control, stirring unrest and hatred in the newly united kingdoms of Tellurae Aquaous.When the dragon wards of Kallayohm are targeted in a ruthless attack, the High King travels there to administer justice. But the trial results in a crippling blow that leaves him reeling.On the heels of defeat, an unexpected message from the erstwhile Minstrel arrives, pleading with his friends for rescue. Together, the High King and his companions must follow the fragile trail, braving peril and darkness that will test the measure of them all... Second, the BLOG TOUR!So many fabulous bloggers have signed up to help out with the blog tour for Minstrel's Call, I am quite honestly staggered. These folks are simply amazing. They will be posting about the book's release, some of them are interviewing me or my characters, and a few of them had me over for guest posts. You won't want to miss that. And make sure to pop back in here occasionally over the next two weeks, as I'll be sharing some snippets and other things.Blog Tour Schedule

Third, a FACEBOOK PARTY!FB PartyI'm teaming up with a couple of other authors who are also releasing their new books this week. We have quite an awesome line-up of authors coming to chat about their books and various other writing-related topics. The FACEBOOK PARTY is on Wednesday, February 28th from 6pm - 9:15pm EST. I'll be running the 8:15 - 8:45 time-slot (that's Eastern Time)... there will also be GAMES, GIVEAWAYS, TRIVIA, and more! You won't want to miss it!Fourth, a GIVEAWAY!Enter the rafflecopter giveaway below for the chance to win one of three fabulous prizes: a signed paperback copy of Minstrel's Call, a 252-piece puzzle featuring Angelina's watercolor cover art, and a DRAGON SWORD! Sadly, the dragon sword is not a replica of the Fang Blade. Someday, I dream of commissioning an actual Fang Blade through somebody like the Baltimore Knife and Sword Company... but that is not this day. So, instead, I found this lovely creation on Amazon, and as dragons and swords are both important fixtures throughout the entire series, I thought it would be a good stand-in until such a time as I have the financial ability to offer something more accurate.Giveaway GraphicThe giveaway is open to all countries and territories. However, due to the restrictions that the standard postal office has for shipping weapons (even of the decorative or cos-play variety), and the lack of any reliable dragons to carry them for me... should anyone outside the Continental USA win the Dragon Sword, I will substitute that prize with a $35-Amazon gift card (the approximate cost of the sword).a Rafflecopter giveaway