The Edge of Wave and World Release Date and Special Offer


Special Offer Song_Ebook (1)

There is a lot of fear in the world at the moment. Walking down the toilet paper aisle at Walmart feels like entering a "dry and desert land." Shelves are empty. Stores are out of stock of... quite frankly... the oddest variety of goods. It can be hard to know what to do. It can be hard to remain thankful. It can be hard to keep your spirits up in what might feel to many like a dark cloud of fear and despair and hopelessness. And yet...

“Even in the midst of darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough.” ~ Minstrel's Call

So here is a "shard of light" for you today:

"The Edge of Wave and World" releases today!

My favorite singer/songwriter, Brittany Jean is releasing her new single today! And this particular song is near and dear to my heart not only because I love her music, but also because I wrote the lyrics to the song!

Around the middle of Minstrel's Call, my characters hit their lowest point in the adventure. They are on a ship, far from home, facing a terrible and frightening foe. Then Oraeyn starts to sing in an effort to fight off his own fears. One by one, everyone around him joins in the song, and... well, I won't tell you in case you want to read it for yourself.

When I asked Brittany Jean if she might be willing to put a melody to my words, I never dreamed that she would want to include it on her next album, let alone decide to release it as her next single! But I am honored that she did, and I am excited to be able to share this song with you as more than just words on a page. (If you listen closely, you can hear Kiernan Kane's mandolin... as well as the crew joining Oraeyn in song).

But that's not all! Because of the way these two go together, we've banded together to bring you a special LIMITED TIME OFFERl! From now through March 26th, we are running a special "buy one/get one" deal. ⁠

⁠What that means is that anytime THIS WEEK:

March 19 - 26

If you purchase a copy of "The Edge of Wave and World" for 99 cents you can get an ecopy of "Minstrel's Call" for free!

And if you purchase a copy of "Minstrel's Call" for 99 cents you can get a copy of "The Edge of Wave and World" for free!⁠

Just email BJEANMUSIC@GMAIL.COM or JENELLE@JENELLESCHMIDT.COM with your proof of purchase of either the song or the ebook and we will get your free copy of the other to you!⁠

Find Edge of Wave and World around the interwebs:






1LineWed Song

1LineWed Song