The Power of Imagination

Hey all! I hope you are having a lovely March. Life is crazy and I'm still hiatus-ing a bit (mostly because I'm still up to my ears in boxes that need to be unpacked! And because we don't have internet hooked up at the house yet, which may still take a few weeks), though I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon. I've got a character interview posting later this week and I'll hopefully get on here with a few pictures of Bag End next week, and I've got a long list of posts I want to write so I've got some great content coming for ya!But today, I just wanted to pop over and inform you that I was invited to be a guest post about "What Inspires My Writing" over at the amazing Ashlee Willis' blog today. Click HERE to come read about where I draw inspiration for all my stories! Would love to see you over there!