Yorien's Hand Launch Party Kickoff

The day has arrived, dear Readers! Yorien's Hand is available for purchase!

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We have a whole week of fun stuff planned, and I'll be hopping about to different blogs throughout the week with guest posts, excerpts, and a character interview, as well as posting interesting tidbits here on my own site about this latest installment in the Minstrel's Song series. I am so excited to finally be able to present you with this story! There is also a huge giveaway and we'll be having a FACEBOOK PARTY at the end of the week to celebrate this launch! (You can follow the link or just click on the image below)   Don't miss any of these exciting things, keep reading! To whet your appetite for this story, I wanted to start off by sharing a small excerpt.


Yorien's Hand Excerpt from Chapter 4

“Yes, yes, breakfast was most delicious,” Kiernan Kane’s cheerful voice rang out as he entered the Grand Hall with a servant. “Oh! Our hero has returned early, welcome, welcome!” Kiernan bowed to Brant as he neared the three friends. The act of bowing nearly landed the gangly minstrel on his ear, but he managed to catch himself in time.

“Breakfast?” Oraeyn asked. “It’s time for lunch.”

“Oh, hurrah!” Kiernan jigged a step. “I’m starved.”

Oraeyn laughed. “But you just finished breakfast.”

Kiernan’s face took on a pained look. “Majesty,” he complained, “look at how thin I am! I have many years of starvation on the road to make up for, this is the first job I have held in a very long time that has provided me with three good meals a day.” The minstrel’s face was a perfect mask of sorrow, but his tone held a hint of laughter.

The servant bowed. “Lunch is ready as requested, Sire.”

Kiernan unslung his mandolin and began to pluck a cheerful tune, ostensibly in celebration of lunch being served.

*Grins* One of my favorite moments with Kiernan Kane. Now... who's hungry? Just kidding. But that's not all, I have more exciting things to give away!

I have a dream of someday being able to afford to get a replica of the Fang Blade created and then give it away in a massive giveaway (the requirements would be pretty arduous... but you'd win a Fang Blade!!!) but until I'm selling more books, I cannot quite cover that kind of cost.

However, that doesn't mean I can't offer this:

Hand and a Half Training Sword

It is a "hand and a half training sword." When I wrote my book, this is the kind of sword I was picturing being used by the characters in Tellurae Aquaous. Not as heavy and unwieldy as a broad-sword, not as delicate and light as a rapier, something in between. This sword is 34" long and balanced for learning how to sword fight without being sharp or pointy. And you could win it!

The second prize I am offering is this:

Dragon Sapphire Pendant

It is a dragon wrapped around a sapphire pendant necklace. The sapphire sort of represents Yorien's Hand, which, according to legend, is a fallen star that was gifted to the world to be used in times of great need.

The third prize is a complete set of the thus far completed Minstrel's Song series: signed paperback copies of King's Warrior, Second Son, and Yorien's Hand.

Check out the rafflecopter below to find out how you can win one of these super fun prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Update - sorry that your comments have not been showing up on my blog. I was very confused as to why this was happening, when I realized that many of you were probably typing your comment into the rafflecopter itself, and not commenting below as I intended. No worries, if you did that, your entry was recorded - but I have changed the rafflecopter so that you now have to actually comment on the blog, not just in the rafflecopter widget and I can now actually SEE your lovely comments and respond! I apologize, but I am glad that this doesn't mean that my website is randomly eating comments!Here are the buttons and banners you can grab to share in order to win entries in the giveaway! Yorien's Hand Cover Reveal Blog Button 0- Small Yorien's Hand Cover Reveal Banner - Small

  And make sure you stop by each of these blogs throughout the week!Monday, January 11:DJ's Blog - Guest Post - Faith and FantasySavannah's Workshop - Guest Post and ExcerptRoad of a Writer - Review of Yorien's HandTuesday, January 12:The Antrim Cycle - Excerpt of Yorien's HandWednesday, January 13:J.L. Mbewe's Blog - Guest Post - WorldbuildingKnitted by God's Plan - Character Interview with YoleFriday, January 15:The Pink Cave - Review of Yorien's HandThe Overactive Imagination - Review of Yorien's Hand