Posts in Adventures and Episodes
Summer Ishness 2022

Good morning, dear Reader!

Been a while since I posted an update like this. I have been so incredibly busy this summer. We really embraced summer in true Wisconsinite fashion here, which means that we were hardly ever at home, we saw a lot of friends and family we haven’t seen in years, and Derek and I got to finally go on our 15 year anniversary trip (3 years belated).

Let’s just dive in, shall we?

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Updates From My Writing Desk: In Which I Emerge, Blinking, Into the Sunlight

Hello again, dear Reader! I’m back from my hiatus…

Which totally did not end up being a whole month longer than I planned for it to be…. eheheh.


blinks at the calendar in disbelief… it’s JUNE? Already?

But I promise, even though I’ve been fairly quiet here on the blog and over on social media for the past two months, it’s been a very productive kind of silence. So much is happening behind the scenes, and today, you get to hear about some of it! I feel like I’m finally making up for my lack of productivity back in 2020. And it feels good.

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Waiting is Not Easy

That’s the title of my son’s favorite book

And it’s true. Waiting is not easy. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

Have patience, have patience, don’t be in such a hurry…

That’s a song my mom used to sing to my siblings and me whenever we were tired of waiting for something. Or whenever we wanted something to move faster than it currently was.

I’ve got that song stuck in my head right now.

It just feels like I can never do anything fast enough.

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A Writing Update: January 2022

Good morning, dear Reader! I hope that this first day of February finds you well.

I have a few important updates for you today. And one that makes me super sad, but has to be said.

I cannot commit to bringing you February is Fantasy Month this year.

I really wish I could. It is a super major bummer that I cannot do it this year.

But the reasons I can’t do it this year are mostly all good and exciting things.

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To Boldly Go

Good morning, dear Reader, and Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year again. Everything feels fresh and new. What is it about starting a new year? What is it about turning the page that always feels a little bit brighter, a little bit more hopeful?

It’s that time of year when people make resolutions. It’s a time for new plans. For fresh journals and new calendars.

Here at Safe Return Doubtful, you know we don’t make resolutions. We don’t have goals.


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