Posts in Characters
Meet the Character: The Winter King

The Winter King. Leader of the Unseelie Court. King Ritioghra.

The massive black tiger (only one of his forms) is actually younger than you might expect, and—relatively speaking—quite new to his position as king of Vetirheim. Though the fae are immortal and cannot die of old age, they can be killed, and ten years ago, Ritioghra’s father fell in battle, leaving his young son to take the throne. He has ruled with a stern paw and brought peace to his land with their neighbors, but it is an uneasy peace.

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Meet the Character: Eirloch

Eirloch was a character that I did not plan in any way. But he stepped into the story and made himself at home there, and I didn’t really have any say in the matter. But I’m glad he did because I just love him to pieces and I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes an appearance in future stories.

A member of the Winter Fae, Eirloch is a rifinn

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Meet the Character: Jana

Today I am pleased to introduce you to the Summer Princess. Some of you may remember that for a long time, the place-holder title for this book was “Summer Princess” but as much fun as that was, I knew it wasn’t right for this book. Mostly because Jana is not actually the main character of the story. All my earliest beta readers told me in no uncertain terms, “We like the story, but you have to change the title.”

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