Fifteen Favorite Fantasy Reads 2023

It’s time for me to reveal my Fifteen Favorite Fantasy reads of the past year!

How is it the end of the year already? How is 2023 already over? I’m not ready!

But I’m also excited, because this is honestly one of my favorite posts to write every year.

It’s so fun to take a minute at the end of the year and peruse over what books I read, reminiscing about which ones I really enjoyed. It’s also always highly entertaining to me to see which books I meant to read versus which books I actually read.

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The Shift: Movie Review

Coming out of hiatus briefly because Derek and I went to see The Shift the other night and I feel like I need to talk about it!

It’s been a while since I did a movie review.

Honestly, it’s been a while since I saw anything worth reviewing. Partially because I haven’t been watching much worth talking about, partially because I haven’t been watching much in general, and partially just because the movie industry doesn’t seem capable of making much in the way of “good” lately.

However, The Shift was a notable exception to all of the above.

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A Final -Ishness Post for 2023

They say that 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

So that’s fun.

It’s been quite a year! In many ways, full of good things. In many ways, just straight-up exhausting. I am grateful. I look back on this year and I see so much that was good and exciting and fun.

It’s been a couple of months since I did an Adventures and Episodes / -ishness style post, so let’s dive in, shall we?

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