Know the Novel 2023

Well… I started writing this in October… does that count? heheh

Better late than never, I guess.

It’s time for Know the Novel! And this year, I’m talking about something other than the Turrim Archive!!! (try not to faint)

Know the Novel is an annual blog tag hosted by the marvelous Christine Smith as a place to talk about the stories we are working on. This year, I am officially participating in her #FicFrenzy event, and even though my goal is teensy, I have been enjoying it as a motivation to get back to drafting something new!

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An Evening in the Stormcave

My brother and I are embarking on a new adventure!

Or rather… fulfilling part of a dream that’s been percolating for 13 years.

Flash-back with me to Christmas, 2010. Grant had an idea. A vision. A dream of a family publishing and production company that would come together and work towards the publication of my books and the production of Brittany’s music. We would combine our talents, work towards a common goal, and create family-friendly entertainment together.

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My Adventures With Oliver Twist

I have always loved the story of Oliver Twist.

I know that some of my readers may be scratching their heads right now, trying to figure me out. I’ve never tried to make it a secret that I don’t like reading Charles Dickens’ books.

And no, I don’t love reading Dickens. In fact, Oliver Twist is the first of his books I’ve ever made it all the way through, and that only because I felt I needed to read the actual book in order to write a faithful retelling of it.

But I do love Dickens’ stories. I love his characters. What I don’t love is when he spends 6 pages describing a room only to have the character step inside, look around, and promptly leave… never to return to said room.

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Most Magnificent Dragon 2023

Another dragon alights on the soccer field, and lets out a large exhalation of flame. I sigh a little as the last of the crêpe paper goes  up in a tiny poof of smoke. I should have known better than to try to decorate with anything so flimsy… and flammable. The only major problem with hosting the dragon awards is that so many of them have dragon FRIENDS and they all come to the ceremony. We have to have somewhere in the ballpark of 200 dragons out there!

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