Posts in Personal
Movies That Are Better Than Their Books

Let me begin by assuring y’all that I am a self-proclaimed, certified book dragon.

I LOVE books.

Ever since I learned to read, I have devoured books at a fairly unhealthy rate. (My daughter, reading over my shoulder, wishes to protest that there is no such thing as “reading at an unhealthy rate”) I maaay be inclined to agree with her.

I’ve gone through all the usual phases: dog stories, horse-crazy stories, a couple of rounds of fascination with vampires, and then I settled happily into fantasy and have dwelt there ever since.

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Hindsight 20/20 and Dreaming Forward

The moment has come, dear Reader, to look back on the year that has past, and to look forward to what is yet to come.

This is the moment for dreams.

But first, a brief glance back at what came before. Shall we look back to that post I wrote last year, when I was still young, naive, and optimistically hopeful for all that would come in this new decade? (laughs cynically)

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