Posts in Writing
Know the Novel Part 1 2022

Yay! Know the Novel is back!

The talented and amazing Christine Smith is running her annual Know the Novel blog challenge and I’m delighted to use it to share some tidbits of what I’m working on this Fall with you.

I’m also joining up with Christine’s Fall Fiction Writing Frenzy which is running from Oct. 15 - Nov. 15 and allows us to set our own personal goals, which is always lovely.

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Updates From My Writing Desk: In Which I Emerge, Blinking, Into the Sunlight

Hello again, dear Reader! I’m back from my hiatus…

Which totally did not end up being a whole month longer than I planned for it to be…. eheheh.


blinks at the calendar in disbelief… it’s JUNE? Already?

But I promise, even though I’ve been fairly quiet here on the blog and over on social media for the past two months, it’s been a very productive kind of silence. So much is happening behind the scenes, and today, you get to hear about some of it! I feel like I’m finally making up for my lack of productivity back in 2020. And it feels good.

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Know the Novel - Part 3: Words Written

November is over, and that means we get the questions for the final link-up of the 2021 edition of Know the Novel.

Know the Novel is a 3-part linkup series for writers, one for each of the last three months of the year. Each part features ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.

Created by the amazing Christine Smith, this link-up encourages us to share bits from our works-in-progress and do a little authorly introspection, as well! I love this link-up and am enjoying being able to participate this year, despite going all NaNoWriMo Rebel-Rogue this year and editing instead of drafting!

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Know the Novel: Part 2

November is here!

And that means NaNoWriMo, which I have decided to participate in as a REBEL, which means that instead of having a goal of WRITING 50,000 words by the end of the month, I am hoping to EDIT 60,000 words and finish this first pass of edits on Towers of Might and Memory, the fifth book in my Turrim Archive series!

This link-up is a beautiful and fun 3-part blogging prompt that my dear friend Christine created a few years ago.

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